Tuesday, November 29, 2016

November 29, 2016 Through December 2, 2016

Parents please feel free to e-mail me at: kstone@northschuylkill.net with questions, comments, or concerns!! I always value and appreciate your input!!

Mechanical Drawing, 11/29 through 12/2 : Measuring to 1/16th of an inch, Lines and Mechanical Drawing, Title Blocks......NO HOMEWORK This Week.

Industrial Arts, 11/29 through 12/2 : Safety in our home and in our School.........NO HOMEWORK This Week

Computer-Aided Design, 11/29 through 12/2: Auxiliary Views, AutoCAD 3D....... NO HOMEWORK This Week.

Architectural Design & Revit, 11/29 through 12/2 : Floors, walls, ceilings, kitchens should be done. Next: Foundation, roof, topographic surfaces....... NO HOMEWORK This Week.

Machine Technology and Design, 11/29 through 12/2 : AutoCAD, Plan your first Project, Build your first project....... NO HOMEWORK This Week.

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